Printable Job Interview Worksheet - Click this link for a printable version (opens in a new window). For the best printing results try adjusting the page setup and size in the print preview menu before printing.
Job Interview
Please choose a job you would like to be interviewed for:
Secretary Waiter Teacher Sports Coach Shop Assistant TV Presenter
Computer Programmer Writer Electrician Hair Dresser Accountant Builder
Doctor Comedian Nanny Lawyer Police Translator Other ____________
Your interview will be with the company president and will include the following questions, please write practice answers:
1. Why do you want this job?
2. Why do you think you are the perfect person for this job?
3. What kind of experience do you have?
4. What are your good qualities?
5. What could you improve on?
6. Are there any questions you would like to ask? (For example: How much will I be paid? Where will I work? Will there be opportunities for promotion or a raise?) |